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tv   11 News Sunday Morning  NBC  November 11, 2012 5:00am-8:00am EST

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>> help is on the way. more maryland state troopers head to new jersey to help that state recover from sandy. >> plus, new details in the departure of the cia director, and the breach of trust even he's calling unacceptable. a veterans day service in memory of those who served our country. >> and the ravens get ready for a possible season changing matchup against the black and silver raiders. 11 morning sunday news starts now. >> welcome to 11 news sunday morning. i'm lisa robinson. >> i'm jennifer franciotti.
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>> by this afternoon we're going to get close to 70. it's going to warm up fast. if you're up early getting ready to go downtown for tail gating you're going to have to bring two different sets of clothes. winter stuff for the morning and shorts -- well, maybe not shorts but lighter stuff for the afternoon. 37 at the airport right now. mostly clear skies. so it is a chilly start. by the time we get into the afternoon, temperatures will climb into the 60s. average high is 58. we should be about ten degrees above the mark. we'll come back and take a look at the seven-day forast going into next week. our big story, the lienup continues in areas hardest hit by hurricane sandy. >> that's right. right now about 130,000 homes still remain without power. that's down from a peak of 1 million, but there's growing frustration about the pace of power restoration. hundreds of residents protested outside headquarters of the long
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island power authority to show their anger. officials are promising electricity will be back on in 99% of those homes by tuesday. meanwhile, in new jersey, more than 175,000 homes are still without power and nearly two weeks after sandy, and then last week's nor'easter. george lettuce has more on how maryland is helping out. >> these maryland state troopers are used to answering the call for help, but this time they're headed 120 miles north to ocean county, new jersey to help their law enforcement brethren there try to repair a shore in shambles. >> i think seeing the destruction on tv kind of helped prepare a little bit, but until you see it in real life, that's something that's gonna hit hard. >> calls for service are up and the police officers have also been affected. we're up there supplementing the
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local police departments and the new jersey state police. >> the troopers will be sworn in as new jersey state troopers just for the next week. they'll have police powers and assist for everything from helping utility companies turn the power back on. >> food and toiletries and diapers. >> it's another example since sandy hit of maryland pitching in to help its northern neighbors. these people from howard county are attempting to fill this truck with donated supplies and hit the road monday. >> see the pictures on the news of people that just lost everything and so i'm just sort of one of those, okay, we got to do something. >> it's the same sentiment that inspired 14 maryland state troopers that have already been in new jersey this past week to stay there and assist. this convoy of 11 headed there now. >> it's touched them to where they really wanted to stay and help out the police departments and the people who have lost a
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lot. >> we're told maryland state police will be reimbursed by the federal government for the troopers' time. but money was not the motivation here. we're also told all 25 of the troopers helping out there now quickly volunteered for this assignment. wbal, tv 11 news. >> while we had some nice weather over the last few days, the weather is going to turn colder and that means more folks will need more winter gear. baltimore city officials hosted an energy assistance expo at baltimore community college. representatives from the home energy programs helped citizens apply for assistance and other resources to help manage their utility bills. >> what most people don't know about, and i think that's what this program is about today, is that they can get assistance. don't wait until your utility is cut off. you can go down and sit down with the utility company and say, look, i'm having a problem. >> and officials say fewer
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people showed up this year, which is a good thing, which means most people are learning how to manage their income better and don't need the assistance. well, this is veterans day. the va maryland health care system teamed up with a local veterans organization to hold a memorial service. the third annual memorial service was held in towsend. >> this is a ceremony that will remember those veterans that have passed away. again, trying to remember those who have given their time, their service for our country. they might not have been the ones that died in action. that's what we reserve memorial day for. but this is a service trying to remember veterans who have served and have now entered our ever lasting life. >> and there are a number of veterans day events planned for today all across the state.
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this morning we're learning more about the departure of the cia director. the retired general resigned from his position on friday and we're learning more about that departure now from 11 news washington reporter brian moore. >> the sudden fall of the cia chief has washington asking how and why. and the woman suddenly in the spotlight, paula broadwell isn't saying. back in january she was promoting her book on the general. >> he absolutely loves the agency. >> broadwell arch west point graduate and army reserve officer had close access to the cia director. federal agents are investigating whether she had access to his e-mails or computer. >> my understanding is that the fbi's investigation into what took place on computers there did not necessarily -- was not focused on him. that came by information by accident. >> law enforcement and multiple u.s. sources tell nbc news that e-mails between the general and
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paula broadwell were indicative of an extra marital affair. nbc news tried but was unable to reach paula broadwell for comment. in his resignation letter, the general revealed he had showed extremely poor judgment by engaging in an extra marital affair. law enforcement sources tell nbc news that the general is not under investigation and that they don't expect their inquiry will result in criminal charges. patreus was the man who turned around the wars in iraq and afghanistan. >> he's a figure here people respected. >> but an affair that could have been embarrassing for any other public servant appeared to be a career ener for the man trusted to keep the nation's secrets. 5:07. coming up, the family of an accident victim is worried about a state law that could help an alleged drunk driver avoid conviction. the all new investigation when
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we come back. the black and silver come to town. how the black and purple are getting ready for today's home matchup. but first a live picture outside as your insta weather plus forecast is next. stay with us.
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>> welcome back. time is 11 after 5:00. this sunday morning veterans day 2012. little fog in some neighborhood s let that big temperature difference in the city. if you're heading downtown, let me start with that. big game. if you're going to the ravens game, getting ready to tailgate. leaving earlier this morning. it's going to be chillier to start. by the time we get to 1 in the afternoon, kickoff time, temperatures should be in the 60s. probably topping out in the
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upper 60s. if you picked today to go to the game, you picked a good one. high pressure's in control on the east coast. wind will start to come out of the south today. that means warmer temperatures. there's a strong cold front coming across the upper midwest. temperatures drop off behind that boundary. it will be in the 60s and 70s ahead of the boundary. look what happens when you get to the other side. billings, montana, 5 below zero. temperatures are 70 ahead of the front. 69 in kansas city. 61 in chicago. whenever you get a temperature contrast like that, of course you're going to get some showers and thunderstorms and even some snow. there is snow in the upper plains states and rain out ahead of the boundary. that will give us chance for some rain tuesday. monday might and tuesday. up until that time we're gonna stay on the mild side of this system. skies are basically here. there is patchy fog. temperatures manage to drop off most of the dewpoints. that will burn off quickly.
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32 in frederick. when you get closer to the water it's warmer. 42 in rock fall. the forecast for today, mostly sunny skies. it's about as nice as it gets for this time of the year. high temperatures will range from 65 and 70. light southeast wind at 10. overnight tonight mostly clear skies. cool. you wouldn't call it cold for november. temperatures gonna drop back into the 40s. sun seat this evening at 4:55. seven day forecast. things are gonna change for us by the time we get to the middle of the week. increasing clouds out ahead of the front. chance for raun monday night and tuesday when the front comes through. that will knock temperatures back to closer to where they should be this time of year. average highs upper 50s. we should be in the 50s through the beginning of the weekend. our nation's 44th president was reelected, all eyes turning to the 6th president of the united states, abraham lincoln.
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here's more on the new movie. >> he may have started out the poor self-educated son of homesteaders but for the thousands of students who visit the museum honoring his presidency every week, abraham lincoln remains a beacon whose convictions shaped the nation. >> he did a lot for our country. we can learn from the past to help improve what our future is going to be. >> at 6' 4", abraham lincoln was a tall man, a greater even historic stature. >> he did a lot, especially for my culture and his thoughts and ideas as to really run our country, i thought it was cool. >> presidents may not have been considered cool in the 1860s, but this one is about to become a hollywood star. >> i like our chances now. >> a century and a half after his death, lincoln is portrayed by daniel day lewis.
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>> this moment now, now, now! >> it's been a decade long labor of love for the director steven spielberg. >> he advocated things we hold gear today. he advocated government can be a positive force for the good of all people. >> no coincidence the film opens the week america's 21st century president won re-election. difficult times frauth with partisan pickering. times many would ask, what would lincoln do? >> in lun con he was eager to unify the country dealing with a congress that had acrimonious factions. he had the genius to get everyone to work together. >> the yund may have come a long way from four score an seven years ago, but lincoln is still teaching its children. >> i think abraham lincoln is good because he was a big part of freedom and what this country is today.
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>> he didn't like slavery. i like his top hat. >> a big man, yes, with a big hat, who still casts a long shadow over the nation he fought so hard to unite. kevin tibbles, nbc news, springfield, illinois. >> another movie coming out has more than 1500 fans setting up outside the staples center. they are waiting on the last premiere of the twilight series. it doesn't open until november 16th but these fans registered online for a chance to spend the weekend at the temporary tent city. fans from as far away as england, france are spending the weekend bonding with their fellow american fans. they're waiting on a chance to see the stars walk the red carpet. stars from the movie set are set to visit that camp today. remember the blue dress that was worn by judy garland who portrayed dorny in the wizard of oz? according to an action in
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beverly hills that dress sold for $480,000. this video was provided by julian shows. it shows the iconic blue dress that garland wore throughout the film in 1939. it is the only one of its complete versions of the blue and white outfit worn by garland known to exist. the previous owner bought the dress in 1981 for little more than $2,000. quite the investment from 2,000 to $480,000. that's crazy. listen, if you're trying to avoid salt, we'll tell you the six foods you need to avoid. plus, pacifiers may be providing more than just sol list for unfants. coming up bacteria it may also be exposing your child to. it's the partnership between the area young people and the area's veterans that has them going to the next ravens home game. i'm sara caldwell. we'll bring you t
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[ boy 1 ] hey! that's the last crescent. oh, did you want it? yea we'll split it. [ female announcer ] made fresh, so light, buttery and flakey. that's half that's not half! guys, i have more! thanks mom [ female announcer ] pillsbury crescents. let the making begin too bad the guys aren't here
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we're clear. ok, swarm! swarm! hello [ female announcer ] pillsbury chocolate chip cookies. let the making begin
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graying or thinning hair, wrinkles, puffy eyes, all these things could be signs of your heart attack risk. researchers in denmark analyzed data from a study on heart disease looking for signs of visible aging and an aging heart. people who had baldness at the crown, guess they were eating pizza, too, fatty deposits around the eyes, increases in wrinkles had a 50% increase risk for heart attack. researchers say doctors should routinely check their patients for visible signs of aging. meanwhile, new research is underscoring just how difficult it is to prevent heart disease at the american heart association scientific session, a study showed drugs and supplements meant to improve heart health aren't working. the study looked at a pill meant to improve good cholesterol that found no reduction in heart attacks with people with
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preexisting heart disease. multivitamins did not seem to help them. taking fish oil, at least in this study, didn't help a heart beat after cardiac surgery. well, pacifiers can offer solace for a crying child. they may be offering something else. erika edwards has that story. >> parents, how many times have you popped a pacifier back into the mouth of a crying enfant after it's dropped on to the ground? very common, but new research shows those binkies can be covered in bacteria. >> the pacifier is a potential reservoir for germs that will make you sick. >> dr. tom glass and colleagues at oklahoma state university did a small study of used infant pacifiers. they looked clean but under a microscope they found contamination, mold and staph bacteria. >> it may look solid mur hand. when you look under the scanning
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microscope, it looks like a sponge. >> no studies have prove than a dirty pacifier can lead to illness, but most experts agree, parents should replace them athlete monthly even if they're cleaned and sterilized after each use. >> it's cheap medicine to discard your pacifiers every two weeks. >> soothing to baby, reassuring to mom and dad. erika edwards wbal tv 11 news. stay with us. we have more news coming up but first here's a look at events going on around town today. ♪
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[ female announcer ] at yoplait, we want you to feel even better about your favorite flavors. so when you call, tweet, and post, we listen. that's why yoplait light and yoplait original are now made with no high fructose corn syrup. and why we use only natural colors and natural flavors in yoplait original. so, anything else we can do for you, let us know. but you'll keep it to yogurt, right? 'cause we shouldn't really help with your love life. yoplait. it is so good! ♪ use freedom and get cash back. ♪ack. ♪ five percent on hotels and airlines. ♪ ♪ oh everybody conga line, ok! activate your 5% cash back at
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♪ everybody get, everybody get! ♪
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most kids spend their summers at camp playing sports, visiting with family, but a special group of volunteers decided to be part of an extended family, choosing their time to brighten the life of maryland veterans. sara caldwell has more on this week's honor recipients. >> in the beginning, it was more like school, like okay, i need to get these hours done. >> henry woo approached his volunteer work like something any person would do, something he had to do, but that view soon changed to a sense of purpose and a desire to give back. >> after the first year that i did it, i really liked it. patients really liked it.
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i was feeling really good about it. i said, why not do it here. >> here, youth volunteers age 14 to 17, commit to 75 hours of community service over the summer, helping maryland's veterans recover, both physically and emotionally. >> it's very good because you know you're brightening someone's day and making them smile just by being part of their day. >> volunteers spend their hours doing everything from coordinating bingo, to making cookies for them. with three inpatient and sick outpatient facilities making up the maryland system, there are a lot of opportunities to gifb back. an ex-peens just as valuable for the residents as it is for the volunteers. >> it's a two way street here. for the youth, they get to hear probably things that are historical in value for them. but for our elderly residents particularly, they're looking at the future of this country in
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front of their eyes. >> it's really nice to see people at a young age have a sense of service. most of us being veterans, we know about service. >> one was so inspired by veterans like mr. are bin son, he plans to continue his service. >> i like hearing whabt they did in the war and how they contributed to the community. >> this group of volunteers will be at the next ravens home game on november 11th, a fitting day, veterans day, for that tribute. at the va maryland health care system, sara caldwell, wbal tv 11 news. 5:27 and 39 degrees. coming up a verdict is in in a competence scandal at the vatican. and in connecticut a thief works for his money. it's going to be a beautiful day today but things will change by the time we hit the middle of next week. we'll show you the seven day forecast in just a few minutes.
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[ female announcer ] it's deliciously dark just before dawn. it's a rainy morning becoming a caramel drizzle. with folgers gourmet selections, you can turn any day gourmet. new roasts, new flavors, and a new look.
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and welcome back to sunday news. i'm jennifer franciotti. >> i'm lisa robinson. >> it's going to be about as
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nice as it gets this time of year. how about upper 60s? in november? if you're going to the game, it will be a nice one for football or anything else you want to do outside. it's a little chilly, so you still want to take a jacket to start the day. there's a little fog in some neighborhoods. but it's gonna warm up fast on this veterans day. the high temperature expected to be 68. of course, it's not going to last very long. we'll gifb you the seven day forecast when i come back. stay with us. covering the world this morning. a vet can computer expert received a two month suspended sentence over a scandal involving a leak of confidential documents. we have the details.
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>> a vatican director was sentenced for helping a former butler to steal and leak confidential documents to an italian journalist. he was arrested by vatican authorities back in may when they found a stash of confidential documents on his desk at work addressed to the former butler who's still serving an 18 month prison sentence here in the vatican. the lawyer said he will appeal the sentence saying his client played a very minor role into the affair and that he now risks to lose his job at the vatican. saturday's sentence represent the last act of a trial over a scandal that was widely seen as the worst security breach in the vatican's recent history. nbc news, vatican city. rain caused more flooding in haiti saturday. authorities say at least 16 people have died in the severe weather. many residents were forced from
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their homes and sought refuge in haiti's second largest city. the rain comes just two weeks after hurricane sandy claimed 50 lives and caused extensive damage in the southern third of the country. an early morning house fire in maine has killed a father and his three children. neighbors reported that fire around 2:30 saturday morning. the mother was rescued off the roof and later treated for smoke inhalation. the three children who died were between the ages of 4 and 8. the state fire marshal's office has yet to determine the cause of the fire. one person is dead and about 200 people have been forced from their homes after a deafening explosion in an indianapolis neighborhood. authorities say two homes were levelled and others set ablaze. plumes of smoke filled the area as emergency crews arrived. in addition to the one person confirmed dead, there are several injuries reported. that entire neighborhood has been evacuated and more than 100 people have taken shelter in a nearby elementary school. in connecticut a man was arrested after stealing a
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delivery driver's car and completing some of the deliverys. police say the 45-year-old stole a chinese food delivery driver's car. the driver left it running while he went to drop off an order. according to police the suspect went ton deliver several orders to customers so he could pocket the cash. he was captured while making a delivery. suspect faces larceny and drug possession charges. the only thief that works for his money. >> i don't know if he got tips along the way. time right now 5:33, 37 degrees on tv hill. coming up the injured victim of an alleged drunk driver now realizes his troubles may not be over. >> the maryland law that could be working against him. we do have rain in the seven day forecast. stay with us. coming up on 11 tv hill, we'll talk to the president of chimes about how they're making a difference in the lives of
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many children. plus a new invention that will help surgeons close incisions. and jennifer franciotti gets an exclusive interview with ellen degeneres.
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♪ [ female announcer ] at yoplait, we want you to feel even better about your favorite flavors. so when you call, tweet, and post, we listen. that's why yoplait light and yoplait original are now made with no high fructose corn syrup. and why we use only natural colors and natural flavors in yoplait original. so, anything else we can do for you, let us know. but you'll keep it to yogurt, right? 'cause we shouldn't really help with your love life.
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yoplait. it is so good! we had a beautiful weekend, or day yesterday in maryland. parts of western colorado are digging out from major snow this weekend. this is the scene in silver thorn. that's about 55 miles west of denver. the national weather service said between 10 and 20 inches of snow could be possible in some parts of western colorado by this morning. heavy snowfall took some travellers by surprise. several people driving through cotton wood canyon in utah didn't make it very far. many drivers got stuck in the heavy snow, had to call tow trucks for help.
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travel restrictions have been put in place. drivers must have chains or four wheel drive if they want to travel through the canyon. all right. tell the truth. that snowball video got you in a good mood, right? won't be long here at home. but not today. it's a little chilly, but temperatures will be way above average here in maryland. 37 at the airport. 48 downtown. you might find fog in your neighborhood but that should be burning up pretty quickly this morning. this will turn out to be a nice today. if you picked today to go to the ravens game, you picked a good one. kickoff downtown. temperatures should already be in the mid 60s. just a light south or southeast wind at seven miles per hour. enjoy. going to be great tailgating weather this afternoon and torning. winds are starting to churn out in the south. so it will be nice and mild ahead of this next cold front
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that's coming across the midwest. we showed you that video. that's behind this front. out ahead of it, temperatures are in the 60s and 70s. behind it, below zero. right now in billings, montana, the temperature is five below. whenever you get a big temperature change, you're going to get precipitation. snow on the back side of it. there are showers and thunderstorms ahead of it. this is the stuff that will probably visit us here in maryland monday night and tuesday. so that front will sweep through here. we're not gonna get any snow. it is going to cool things off. we'll see chance for rain monday and tuesday. skies are clear. little patchy fog out there. we should see plenty of sunshine during the day today. it's chilly right now but gonna warm up fast. 32 frederick. 34 tommy town. 37 at the airport. 39 in rising sun. the forecast for today. mostly sunny skies. it will be a nice close to the weekend. high temperatures will range between 65 and 70. average high 58.
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sunrise at 6:46. overnight tonight, clear to partly cloudy skies. chilly, but not cold for this time of year. we'll drop back into the 40s. seven day forecast going into next weekend. it's going to be cooler. 67 still tomorrow, but rain comes in monday night and tuesday with that front. the rest of the week going into next weekend, high temperatures will stay in the 50s. with the temperatures going up and down, some of us have already pulled out our winter coats and turned on the heat. but for people who have neither, it's the beginning of a very long cold season. we have more on how some of the ravens are helping out. >> this is the ninth annual coat give away here at the helping of nation. as always, ravens players are here to help. >> we have coats. some of the coats were provided here. some of the coats came in. >> for these men down on their luck, today is a day to be grateful. >> i haven't had a new coat in
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ten years. yeah. a new one, you know. i had something to wear. i'm a ravens fan, too. all the better to see them come out and give support in the community and stuff like that do you know what i'm saying? i'm really grateful for this experience. >> the baltimore ravens, katherine's closet and other baltimore businesses pitched in with coats and gloves to help over 250 men here at the helping up mission. and ravens players were well represented. >> one of the things we want to do now is thank our players for coming out. >> i enjoy coming out here. do something to help the community. i live here. it's great to help people get better. >> it's nice to give back to the folks of the great city. it means a lot to us. we are here handing out these coats. it's wintertime. it's cold. just happy to be part of it.
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>> i think everybody goes through struggles at different times. they've fallen upon hard times. whenever you fall upon hard times, you need help to get back up on your feet. >> the players handed out coats. it was like christmas day for these men. some toiletries with a new coat, a hat and gloves, a little bit of kindness means a lot. >> a lot of us don't have much, and for these people to come here and freely give and share generosity, people don't realize how many homeless people are out there. >> helping some of baltimore's men in need. rob roblin, wbal tv. a vet invasion in downtown baltimore. the sixth annual corvette food run. cars lined up and drove together to nbc bank stadium where they received a police escort to the food center. participants donated food for the organization's thanksgiving
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day event. >> people bring food and thank ps giving dinner because they know we have thousands of people expecting us to help them, to help them out on thank ps giving day. >> this will inspire others to bring in food. donations are slowly trickling in. we're less than two weeks away from thanksgiving. we're asking anyone who can help us to help us at this point. >> officials say people can still bring donations to the center on chester street in south baltimore. coming up, a baltimore county family devastated by an alleged drunk driver. now they're worrying that a maryland law will help the driver avoid conviction. we investigate next. but first here's a look at last night's winning lottery numbers. 4
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♪ ♪ we were skipping stones ♪ and letting go ♪ over the river and down the road ♪ [ female announcer ] at nature valley, we know nature comes together in amazing ways. that's why we bring together natural ingredients, like dark chocolate with toasted oats, or sweet golden honey. perfect combinations of nature's delicious ingredients, from nature valley. ♪ ♪ i was thinking that i hope this never ends ♪ [ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious.
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>> this morning a marylander is struggling to overcome injuries by a drunk driver. >> 11 news i team reporter barry sims investigates. >> one, two, three pm come to me. >> confinement is the last thing on jimmy's mind. >> you see that door? we're gonna head toward the door. >> his mission is to learn how to live and take care of himself all over again. >> push. push.
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>> amazing. it's little baby steps, but he's making them. >> progress is remarkable, considering the extent of life threat ng injuries this 27-year-old man received. he was in a coma for three months. he still can't use his legs. jimmy is the victim of an alleged drunk driver. >> how is physical therapy going? great? okay. he can barely speak above a whisper. right now hand signs are his preferred method of communication. how do you think you're doing? are you sure? good. okay. married for yuft three years, jimmy now relies a lot on his wife katherine. his family said he was a tremendous athlete. he served in the army working with military drone, receiving an honorable discharge in 2010. his passion? working on his motorcycles.
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in june, jimmy was on his silver honda motorcycle traveling north on the 7300 block of hartford road. he was less than a mile from home. according to court records an suv traveling south crossed the center line and collided head on with the bike. jimmy's wife said he suffered traumatic brain injury, a lacerated liver and broken bones. >> it was extremely scary. it was terrifying. >> do you remember anything about what happened? nothing. a baltimore city officer who witnessed the wreck arrested the 35-year-old. he's charged with driving under the influence of alcohol. a court charging document claims the officer noticed his eyes were glossy and a strong odor of alcohol came from his breath. mr. werido could not stand up on his own and kept stumbling, had slurred speech and could bare
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speak. he also refused to take a breath test to determine the alcohol content in his blood. that lack of evidence concerns the family. >> if you've got nothing to hide then take a breath test. if he's got something to hide, why is he allowed to hide it. >> under maryland law a driver may refuse a breath test. mothers against drunk driving said this does impact cases against suspected drunk drivers. >> we see a lot of cases get dropped, a lot of cases because there's no evidence. so without the evidence of the breath test, without the testing that's done with it, there's not a whole lot the prosecution can do. >> police can get a subpoena for a blood test if someone is killed in an alleged drunk driving accident, but madd. >> we don't see that happen as often. >> and that's what happened here. no blood test was ordered. the state did suspend his driver's license, but according to court records police pulled him over two months later and
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charged him with driving on a suspended license. mothers against drunk driving said these types of accidents raise plenty of concern. the court has tried to strengthen drunk driving laws. it has worked hard to get lawmakers to require devices in the cars of first time defenders. if a driver drinks too much the device won't let the car start. but that effort failed. we went to werido's home to talk to him about what happened. he was there but his family told us he was unwilling to come downstairs. they say this has impacted their lives as well. >> if this has told me anything, it's taught me to value life. >> his wife and mother remain by his side as he continues physical therapy at the specialty hospital. >> we're not done yet. >> jimmy's family is worried maryland's breath test law and lack of evidence will mean an
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alenned drunk driver gets off. but for now they're focusing on jimmy's health. >> give me thumbs up. i love you, too. thank you. >> for the 11 news high team, i'm barry simms. >> the i team con tacked the alleged drunk driver's attorney who did not want to comment on this case until after the pending trial. 11 news will continue to follow this story. >> amazing fighter he is. >> absolutely. wish him all the best. don't go away, we have more news coming up. i'm pete gilbert. coming up in sports, the oakland raiders are here against the baltimore ravens. we'll talk about that straight
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happy game day to you.
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our 11 insta weather plus forecast is fabulous for today. we'll enjoy the game today. second half of the season. they're 6-2 on the year. looking good to get to 7-2. they're playing a much better team. they scored 17 when away. they won 14 straight games at home. their running game is decimated but they do have a quarterback with a previous history of playing in the stadium, carson palmer. >> he's one of most underrated quarterbacks. especially if he gets in a groove. you all saw in cincinnati. i remember vividly games i thought we had won and carson palmer got in his groove and torched us. >> most notably in 2005 carson palmer with a big come back in the second half against the ravens.
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that was 2005. it is now 2012. this does set up very well for the ravens. next week they head to pittsburgh for an afc north showdown. i'm pete gilbert. we'll have all the highlights tonight at 6. see you then. 5:57 and 37 degrees. help is on the way. more maryland state troopers head to new jersey to help that state recover from sandy. going to be a nice day today, but we do have some rain in the seven-day forecast. stay with us. and some members of congress have some questions about the former cia director's resignation. where they're looking for answers when 11 news sunday morning continues. stay with us.
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good morning and welcome to 11 news sunday morning. i'm jennifer franciotti. >> i'm lisa robinson. first let's look outside at tony pann. >> how about 68 for a high temperature? >> we'll take it. >> that's pretty good. ten degrees above average. little chilly right now. don't go out without a jacket yet. current conditions. 38 at the airport. there's a little bit of fog. that should burn off pretty
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fast. the forecast for today this veterans day 2012, about as nice as it gets for november. sunshine with a high temperature near 68. we come back in a few minutes, take a look at the seven day forecast along with the rest of your week. big story this morning. the cleanup carries on in the areas hardest hit by the storm. about 130,000 homes and businesses still without power, down from a peak of 1 million. but there's growing frustration about the pace of power restoration. hundreds of residents protested out side of the headquarters of the long island power authority to voice anger. officials are promising electricity will be back on in 99% of the home by tuesday. in new jersey, 175,000 homes still without power, nearly two weeks after sandy and then last week's nor'easter. more help arrived thanks to a convoy of maryland state troopers.
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we have more on that story. >> these maryland state troopers are used to answering the call for help, but this time they're headed 120 miles north to ocean county new jersey to help their law enforcement brethren there try to repair a shore in shambles. >> i think seeing destruction on tv kind of helped prepare a little bit. but until you see it in real life, that's something that's gonna hit hard. >> calls for service are up. the police officers have also been affected where they've lost their homes so we're up there supplementing the local police departments and the new jersey state police. >> troopers will be sworn in as new jersey state troopers just for the next week. they'll have police powers and assist with anything from extra patrolling to property recovery to helping utility companies turn the power back on. >> food and toiletries and diapers. >> it's another example since sandy hit, of maryland pitching in to help its northern
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neighbors. these good samaritans from howard county are attempting to fill this truck with supplies and hit the road monday. >> see the pictures on the news of people who have lost everything. and so i'm just sort of one of those, okay, we gotta do something. >> it's the same sentiment that inspired 14 maryland troopers that have already been in new jersey this past week to stay there and assist this convoy of 11 headed there now. >> it's touched them to where they really wanted to help out the police departments and the people who have lost a lot and have been devastated over the storm. >> we're told maryland state police will be reimbursed for the troopers time, but money was not the motivation here. we're all told all 25 of the troopers helping out there now quickly volunteered for this assignment np wbal tv 11 news. we've had nice weather here the last few days. it will start heading colder as we head into winter.
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there is an energy assistance expo saturday at baltimore city college. representatives from the baltimore city office of home land programs helped citizens apply for financial assistance and other resources to help manage their energy and utility bills. >> what most people don't know about, and i think that's what this program is about today, is that they can get assistance. don't wait until your utility is cut off. that you can actually go down and sit down with the utility company and say, look, i'm having a problem. >> officials say fewer people showed up this year which is a good thing since it means more people are learning how to manage their income better and they don't need that assistance. today's veterans day. and the va maryland health care system teamed up with a local veterans association to hold a memorial service. it was held on saturday afternoon at american legion post 22. that honored all veterans who passed away in the last year. >> this is a ceremony that will
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remember those veterans that have passed away. again, trying to remember those who have given their time, their service, for our country. they might not have been the ones that have died in action. that's what we reserve memorial day for. this is a service trying to remember veterans who have served and have now entered our ever lasting life. >> and there are a number of veterans day events planned for today all across maryland. this morning we're learning more about the departure of david petraeus. the retired general resigned friday after publicly admitting to an extra marital affair. and for the anywaying's top spy, it was a breach of trust he called unacceptable. brian moore has the latest from washingto washington. >> petraeus has washington asking how and why. and the woman suddenly in the
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spotlight, paula broadwelsh isn't saying. back in january she was promoting a book on the general. >> he absolutely loves the agency. i think it's a great place for him. >> broadwell, an army reserve officer, had close access to the cia director. federal agents are investigating whether she had access to his e-mails or computer. >> my understanding is that the fbi's investigation into what took place on computers there did not necessarily focus on him. that came by the information by accident. >> law enforcement and multiple u.s. sources tell nbc news that e-mails between general petraeus and paula broadwell were indicative of an extra marital affair. nbc news tried but was unable to reach paula broadwell for comment. in his resignation letter released on friday, he revealed he had showed ex-really poor judgment by engaging in an extra marital affair. law enforcement officials tell nbc news that general petraeus
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is not under investigation and that they don't expect their inquiry will result in criminal charges. petraeus was the man who turned around the wars in iraq and afghanistan. >> he's a figure here that people respected. >> but an affair that could have been embarrassing for any other public servant proved to be a career-ender for the man trusted to keep the nation's secrets. brian moore, wbal tv 11 news. time 6:05, 39 degrees on tv hill. 355 million packages the post office is expecting to deliver. that's ahead in a consume r alert. abraham lincoln is ready for his new closeup. more information about the president. that's coming up. first a look outside. the sun is coming up and tony says it will be a great day. ♪
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♪ ♪ [ girl ] dear santa... ♪ dear santa, i want a ballerina tutu, a pink bike, a unicorn night-light... [ female announcer ] this year, bring their wish list to life. [ girl ] ...princess doll, markers...
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time coming up on 9 minutes
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after 6:00. a beautiful start for us. 38 degrees right now. ten degrees warmer downtown. relative humidity 93%. there could be a little patchy fog in some neighborhoods. most of that will burn off pretty quick. looking forward to a nice day. if you picked today to go to the ravens game, you picked a good one. temperatures should be in the mid 60s. light wind during the game at seven or eight miles per hour. beautiful weather on tap. you might need a jacket this morning, but this afternoon, maybe not. high pressure many control on the east coast. that's always good news for the weather situation. winds turned to the south now so that means warmer conditions. there's a strong cold front coming across the midwest. look at the temperature drop off behind this front. 60s and 7 os. right now 61 at 6:00 in the morning in chicago. single digits. five below zero in billings, montana. where the two masses collide you get precipitation.
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snow on the back side of it. rain and thunderstorms out ahead of it. that system will likely give us some rain during the day tuesday. it's not gonna snow, but we will get some rain out of it monday night and tuesday. but up until that time, rain shower quiet. overall we'll see a lot of sunshine during the day today. current temperatures at home. 32 frederick. but it's close to 50 in annapolis. 39 at the airport. 40 rising sun. the forecast for today, mostly sunny skies, temperatures way aboefb average for this time of year. range between 65 and 7 o. average high 58. just to give you perspective. seven day forecast, things will change. can't stay this warm in november that long. tuesday chance for rain. we'll spend the rest of the week going into next weekend with high temperatures in the 50s. >> thanks, tony. days after the nation's 44th president was reelected to a second term, this weekend the
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spotlight turns to america's 16th president, at the movies, at least. abraham lincoln is getting the big screen treatment. here's nbc's kevin tibbles with more. >> he may have started out the poor self educated son of homesteaders but for thousands of school children who visit the museum honoring his presidency every week, abraham lincoln remains a beacon whose convictions shaped our nation. >> we can learn from the past to help improefb our future. >> at 6' 4", abraham lincoln was a tall man, an even greater historic stature. >> he did a lot especially for my culture. his ideas how to run our country and stuff like that. i thought it was cool. >> presidents may not have been considered cool in the 1860s, but this one is about to become a hollywood star. >> i like our chances now.
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>> a century and a half after his death, lincoln is impeckably portrayed by daniel day lewis. >> now, now, now! >> it's been a decade long labor of love for director steven spielberg. >> he advocated government can be a positive force for the good of all people. >> no coincidence perhaps the film opens the week the 21st century president won re-election, in difficult times with partisan bickering, times many ask, what would lincoln do? >> in lincoln you had a president that was eager to unify the country dealing with a congress that had all sorts of acrimonious factions. somehow me had the genius to get everyone to work together. >> the yund may have come a long way from four score and seven years ago, but lincoln is still teaching its children.
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>> i think abraham lincoln is good because he was a big part of freedom and what this country is today. >> he didn't like slavery. >> i like his top hat. >> a big man with a big hat who still cast a long shadow over the nation he fought so hard to unite. kevin tibbles, nbc news, spring field, illinois. another movie coming out has more than 1500 fans setting up camp outside staples center in los angeles. . the twilight saga breaking dawn doesn't open until september 15th. fans registered on line for a chance to stay at a tent city. fans are waiting on a chance to see the stars walk the red carpet. stars from the movie are set to visit the fan camp today.
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remember that blue dress that actress judy garland wore in the wizard of oz? according to an auction in beverly hills that same dress sold yesterday for $480,000. the video shows the iconic blue dress she wore in 1939 as one of the only complete versions of the blue and white outfit worn by garland known to exist. the previous owner bought the dress in 1981 for little more than $2,000. >> about time for that movie to come out again, too, right? >> they're yuft gonna keep it somewhere. can you imagine somebody putting it on and twirling around? next in consumer alert, how retailers are luring customers into their stores before black friday. pete gilbert will have a preview of the important matchups.
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have you gone bra shopping lately? you might need to go again because chances are you're wearing the wrong bra size. that story is next. sfx- "sounds of african drum and flute" look who's back.
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again? it's embarrassing it's embarrassing! we can see you carl. we can totally see you. come on you're better than this...all that prowling around. yeah, you're the king of the jungle. have you thought about going vegan carl? hahaha!! you know folks who save hundreds of dollars by switching to geico sure are happy. how happy are they jimmy? happier than antelope with night-vision goggles. nice! get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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second round of offers will be introduced at 10 p.m. followed by new discounts followed at 5 a.m. friday. wal-mart plans to run a separate sale online, the new hours are a response to customers who want to shop early so they can hit the sack after eating all that turkey. the u.s. postal service forecast will be its busiest one yet. postal officials predict the agency will handle 355 million packages which is a 20% increase over last year.
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and deliver nearly 18 billion, that's b as in boy in letters and cards all between thanksgiving and new year's eve. the postal service faces serious financial problems. u.p.s. and fedex are expecting smaller increases in shipment. time for a look back and look ahead at the week on wall street. we have the weekend's bloomberg business report. >> retailers are pulling out all the stops trying to get you to spend your money earlier this year. sears starting what used to be the day after thanksgiving sale now five days early on sunday. the first deals are online for members only. sears and kmart stores opening on thanksgiving day with special deals along with wal-mart which will open at 8 p.m. turdy day. for veterans a lousy weekend for calorie counting. free doughnuts and coffee at crispy cream, free pizza at california pizza kitchen, free
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wings at hooters if you purchase a drink. those are among this year's veteran day specials. with some celebrating monday, it may help some of the chains fill tables on their slowest day of the week. almost one-third of employers are actively recruiting that. career builder said two out of three companies are more likely to hire a vet over a candidate who hasn't served. i guess it's fair to say you get what you give. a new university of california davis study says companies, especially smaller public ones, who disclose information about corporate social responsibility and who are politically active tend to do better in the stock market. meaning a bigger return to share holders. and that's a look at business at that time new york stock exchange. that's your bloomberg weekend report for wbal tv 11 news. almost as bad as trying to find the right pair of jeans. if you need help finding the right bra, sara caldwell has
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tips on getting the best fit. but first here a look at some of the events going on around town this weekend.
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sometimes they bring us down. most women have a relationship with their bras. many of them don't wear the right size. sara caldwell breaks down the science behind the numbers.
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>> bras. they come in a multitude of colors, sizes and styles. this one's even got a black and purple ravens thing going on. >> when you put your bra on, it's like putting on yur life. you have to adjust it. >> lady, you know the routine. but one you're in the bra, chances are you ear not even wearing the right size. barbara bianco, owner of a bra shop, said it's the still ma from embracing our true size. >> they're always afraid of that d cup. oh my god, that's so huge, which it really isn't. >> you go way higher than d, right. >> we go up to n as in nancy. we have women who really need it. >> yes. we all come in different shapes and sizes. barbara said you could find your perfect fit with a few key measurements. start by circling the tape around the rib cage, fairly tight, and just below the bust line. the mannequin is 29 inches
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around. >> if the woman measures under 30, i add 5 inches. >> if the woman measures 30 to 33, barbara adds 4 inches to the band size. for a woman 34 and up, she adds 3 inches. now por the cup size. >> technically what you should do, measure across the fullest part of the bust. >> then subtract the band size. if the difference is one inch that's an a cup, two inches, b cup. >> it's not science. it's just somewhere to get me started. >> but a fit can vary depending on the bra, that's why barbara recommends getting a professional fitting. she cautions the back of the bra should never be hooked on the tightest clasp because it will wear faster. >> you're going to have to buy a new bra. your bra will start riding up your back. >> we all want to prolong the life of our bras, right? barbara recommends replacing them once a year. stay away from wearing a white
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bra under sheer white fabric. >> especially if you're a professional going to work. don't wear a white bra under a white blouse. wear skin color. >> another really important tip that barbara tells me is don't wash your bra with the rest of the laundry. instead use a laundry bag like this. wash it on a celebrate setting. make sure the back of the bra is attached. do that so it doesn't get stuck in the wringer. happy bra shopping. sara caldwell, wbal tv 11 news. >> what's your size? >> i'm a b. >> did you really just tell me that? >> tell me in the break. >> you're so mean. >> you can't trust her one little bit. >> you're dead.
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>> we'll go to the vatican when we come back. >> that's right. and on the heels of hurricane sandy, we're gonna go there when we come back. tony, you're not talking about that, are you? >> there's too many jokes going through mind now. we do have some rain in the seven day forecast. details in just a few minutes. [ female announcer ] it's deliciously dark just before dawn.
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it's a rainy morning becoming a caramel drizzle. with folgers gourmet selections, you can turn any day gourmet. new roasts, new flavors, and a new look.
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>> welcome back to 11 news sunday morning. thanks for joining us. let's take another look outside with tony. >> hi, ladies. good morning. i'm just doing the weather. it's going to be a nice day today. lots of sunshine for this veterans day 2012. if you picked this day to go to the ravens game you picked a good one. 38 at the airport. a little chilly. but later on this afternoon it's gonna warm up fast. high temperature expected around 68. that's ten degrees above average for this time of year.
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you know it's not gonna stay like this forever. middle of november. we do have rain and chilly temps in the forecast. i'll show you that in just a few minutes. covering the world this morning. a vatican computer expert received a two month suspended sentence over a scandal involving the leak of the confidential documents. nbc's claudia lavenga has details. >> a man was sentenced for helping the butler leak confidential documents to a journalist. he was arrested back in may when they found a stash of confidential documents on his desk at work addressed to the pope's former butler who's still serving an 18 month prison sentence here in the vatican. the lawyer said that he will appeal the sentence, saying that his client played a very minor role into the whole affair. and also that he now risks to lose his job at the vatican.
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saturday's sentence represents the last act of a trial over a scandal that was widely seen as the worst security breach at the vatican's recent history. nbc news, vatican city. more flooding in haiti saturday. rivers overflowed throughout the north of the country. norths say 16 people have died in the severe weather and many residents were forced from their homes and sought refuge in haiti's second largest city. the rain comes just two weeks after hurricane sandy claimed 50 lives and caused extensive damage in the southern third of the country. an early morning house fire in rural maine killed a father and his three children. eight neighbors reported the fire saturday morning fp mother was rescued off the roof and later treated for smoke inhalation at a hospital. the three children who died were between the ages of 4 and 8. the fire marshal's office is yet to determine the cause of the fire. hurricane sandy damage can be seen for several blocks after
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a thunderous explosion in an indianapolis neighborhood. the blast destroyed two houses and set two other homes ablaze. it also shattered windows, ripped doors from frames. in addition to the one person confirmed dead, there are several injuries reported. the entire neighborhood has been evacuated. more than 100 people have taken shelter at nearby elementary schools. police say 45-year-old keith heinz stoled a chinese food delivery driver's car and left it running because he went off to drop off an order. the suspect went on to deliver several orders so he could pocket the cash. he was captured while making a delivery. the suspect faces larceny and drug possession charges. >> he should have looked at that time fortune cookies. >> right. would have told him motto do it. corvettes cruising through the city for donations.
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we'll have that story next. travel restrictions in tow trucks as utah is struck by a snowfall that's left stranded drivers looking for help. w
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we had a beautiful weekend here in maryland. parts of western colorado are digging out from some major snow. this is the scene 60 miles west of denver. national weather servais said between 10 and 20 inches could be possible by this morning. and heavy snowfall took travellers by surprise. several people driving through cotton wood canyon in utah didn't make it very far. many got stuck in the snow and had to call tow trucks for help.
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travel restrictions have been put in place because drivers need chains on their tires if they want to travel through the canyon. >> one part of the country's in a deep freeze, the other part gets warmer temperatures. we're on the good side of that equation. 48 downtown. little chilly right now. but we're gonna make it into the upper 60s this afternoon. ten degrees above average. if you're going to the ravens game you picked a good one. kickoff at m&t stadium. temperatures should already be in the mid 60s at that time. south southeast wind at seven miles per hour. maybe a light jacket to start the day. maybe this afternoon we'll get by without it. high pressure in control here on the east coast. that's always good news. with high pressure sliding off the coast that means surface winds start to come out of the south which means warmer temperatures. here's the dividing line between the arctic air and the mild stuff that we're in right now.
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even at this early hour the temperatures are in the 60s and 70s. 61 in chicago. look what happens when you get on the other side of the front. one below in billings, montana. we showed you the video from the there. out ahead of the boundary we have showers and thunderstorms. that's gonna visit us monday and tuesday. it is going to knock temperatures back a little bit from the above normal conditions that we have right now. skies are clear. there's a little patchy fog out there but that should burn off quickly over the next couple of hours. wide range in temperatures. 32 frederick. 49 annapolis. forecast for today, mostly sunny skies. about as nice as it gets this time of the year. sun rise 6:46. it will be a beautiful sun rise. high temperatures between 65 and 70. seven day forecast for the rest of the week. increasing clouds tomorrow with pretty good chance of rain
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monday night and tuesday when the front comes through. after the fron goes by temperatures will cool off to where they should be this time of year. dry going into next weekend but high temperatures will be in the 50s. with temperatures going up and down, some of us who already pulled out our winter coats and turned on the heat. for people who have neither, it's the beginning of a long and cold season. we have more on how some of the ravens are stepping in to help out. >> this is the ninth annual coat give away at the helping up mission. as always, ravens players are here to help. >> we have coats. some of the coats were provided here. >> for these men who are down on their luck, today is a day to be grateful. >> i haven't had a new coat in ten years. yeah. a new one, you know? i had something to wear. i'm a ravens fan, too. that's all the better. >> to see them come out and give support in the community and
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stuff like that, do you know what i'm saying? i'm grateful for this experience. >> the baltimore ravens, katheri katherine's closet pitched in with coats and gloves to help over 250 men here at the helping up mission. and ravens players were well represented. >> one of the things we want to do now is thank our players for coming out. >> i enjoy coming out here. going to do something to help the community. i live here. >> helping to give back to folks in this great city. it would mean a lot to them. it's great to give back. we decided to be here, hand out these coats. wintertime. it's cold. >> i think everybody goes through struggles at different times. unfortunately they've fallen upon hard times. whenever you fall upon hard times you need help to get back up on your feet.
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>> players handed out coats, it was like christmas day for these men. some toiletries with the new coats, a hat and gloves. a little bit of kindness means a lot. >> a lot of us don't have much. for these people just to come here and freely give and show generosity, people don't realize how many homeless people are out there. >> helping some of baltimore's men in need. rob roblin, wbal tv 11 news. a crovette invasion. a spectacular sight for a great cause. the cars lined up and drove together to m&t bank stadium where they received a police escort to the food center. participants donated food for the organization's upcoming thanksgiving day event. >> we have thousands of people that are expecting us to help them out on thanksesgiving day.
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>> this will hopefully spark others to start bringing in food. donations are slowly trickling in. we're less than two weeks away from thanksgiving. >> officials say people can still bring donations to the family life center on north chester treat in south baltimore. they do a great job. >> they sure do. >> coming up, looking beyond pies. we're in the kitchen with healthy dishes you can make using pumpkin. >> we're there as macy tests their new balloons. gl first a look at last night's winning lottery numbers.
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welcome back. it's beginning to look a lot like thanksgiving. the balloon for the macy's day parade were flown for a test run. it thereby debut this year. the balloons are in new jersey but will be in new york city in time for their big day. they're expected to be floating alongside favorites including buzz light year, kermit the frog for two miles an thanksgiving morning. many of us use pumpkin to make pies and other dishes but you can use pumpkin to make other healthy dishes. good morning. >> good morning. >> so pumpkin is so versatile. >> yesh it's versatile and super nutritious. so i think there's so many ways you can use it. >> let's start with breakfast. >> i thought of some good ideas.
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if you typically do like maybe oatmeal with nuts. just throw in maybe a quarter cup of pumpkin puree. this is only 40 calories, 4 grams of fiber and 380% of the vitamin a. that's a big nutritional boost. the other option is if you're going to make any kind of pan cake or waffle batter instead of using the egg you can replace it with a fourth of a cup of pumpkin puree. it adds a nice texture. you're replacing that egg if you're hesitant about using too many eggs. spice it up with nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves. >> jazz it up. how about for lunch? >> i thought a good idea of doing like a pumpkin smoothee. you can do any type of protein. you can mix it up any type of milk you have. then throw in pumpkin, half a banana, some cinnamon. it's another way to get that
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nutritional punch. >> it's not overpowering? >> it's delicious. it's like a dessert but healthy. the other one, for kids when they're packing their lunch, instead of peanut butter and jelly, you can make a pumpkin puree, mix it with agave syrup and use it like a jam. >> that sounds delicious. >> on whole wheat bread. then pumpkin soup is easy. you can make it from scratch. i just did vegetable broth, pumpkin, evaporated milk and spice it up how you wish. or even doing a salad and adding pumpkin seeds. >> pumpkin seeds are easy to find. lot of people still have their pumpkin seeds. >> they're a great source of plant based omega 3. >> i love this dessert at the end. so easy to do. >> literally five minutes. pretty low calorie. just mix whipped topping,
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instant vanilla puding and half cup of the pumpkin. i actually od'd on the pumpkin. then adding spices and doing like a ginger snap cookie. >> you said it tastes so deck dent. >> it does. it's probably the quarter of the calories of a pumpkin pie. >> to use your pumpkin is not really practical. the cans of pumpkin are everywhere right now. >> a large 29 ounce can is only $1.99. it really cuts down on the labor of trying to coast your pumpkin. it is just pumpkin puree. >> awesome. you have a big event coming up involving ray rice. >> ray rice is coming to shop rite. i encourage everyone to come check it out and meet ray rice. >> which location? >> 37 west elsbury road.
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>> coming to say hi, greet the fans. >> we did a fund-raiser for him back a few months ago. he's coming to give his appreciation, say hello to the fans. >> sounds good. thank you so much for joining us this morning. stay with us. there's much more coming up. i'm pete gilbert. we'll check in on navy's trip down to alabama. plus a couple senior dayious don't
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>> good morning. we'll check on the college football saturday. busy afternoon indeed. we begin with navy on the road looking to make it a six game win streak. they won five in a row. and in troy alabama. 21-0. now 21-7. there's the come back. 68 yards to lynch. that set up a touchdown. 21-14. troy went down and scored. back comes navy again. reynolds. gonna take it himself into the end zone. that freshman quarterback is special indeed. trojans are what fans are looking for last season in annapolis. navy five game win streak.
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41-31 your final there. maryland getting outmanned against clemson. linebacker playing quarterback. dropped the ball. into the end zone was crawford. 14-0 clemson. second quarter up. got a linebacker back there. it's campy. touchdown pass. 28-7. just before the half, ellington right through the heart of the terrapins defense. they don't have the ammunition to compete with good teams in the acc. tigers roll by a final of 45-10. check in on senior day for the towsend tigers playing host to the winless rams. however trailing to those winless rhode island rams. that doesn't change. grant emers, game locked at 17. tom ryan. how good a catch is this?
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20-7 at the break. anderson high career four touchdown passes. senior dominique booker. lot of playing time. making the most of his opportunities. 83 yards. touch back. again, the touchdown. 27-7. 41-10 your final. towsend now 5-2. senior day at home. hopkins hosting mcdaniel. their 91st meeting. first it was two touchdowns on the day. 14-0 blue jays. jonathan rago. what a season he has had. he's in barely touched as well. 21-0. second quarter. why not? rob nady, 24 yards. that did not change saturday.
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johns hopkins finishes the regular season 9-1. 49-7 your final over mcdaniel. jerry sandusky will have post game reaction and highlights from the ravens game tonight at 6. ravens wrap up to follow sunday night football. see you then. kids spend their summers playing sports or spending it with family but a group of volunteers chooses to be friends of veterans. we introduce you to this week's honor roll. >> in the beginning it was more like school. like, okay, i need to get these hours done. >> henry woo approached his volunteer work like any freshman would. something he had to do. but like his fellow volunteers at the maryland health care system, that view soon changed to a sense of purpose and a desire to give back. >> after the first year that i did it, i really liked it.
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patients really liked it. i was feeling good about it so i said why not do it more? >> youth volunteers age 14 to 17 commit to 75 hours of community service over the summer, helping maryland's veterans recover both physically and emotionally. >> it's very good because you know you're brightening someone's day and making them smile just by being part of their day. >> volunteers spend their hours doing everything from bingo and movie nights, to baking cookies for them. with three inpatient and sick outpatient facilities making up the maryland health care system, there are a lot of opportunities to give back, an experience just as valuable for the residents as for the volunteers. >> it's a twoi way street here. for the youth, they get to hear probably things that are historical in value for them. but for our elled rly residents particularly, you know, they're looking at the future of this
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country in front of their eyes. >> it's really nice to see people at a young age start to have their sense of service. most of us know about service. >> collie dante plans to continue his service. >> i enjoy hearing about what they did not war and how they contribute. >> and this talented group of young volunteers will be at the next ravens home game on november 11th, a fitle day, veterans day, for that tribute. at the va maryland health care system, w ba l, tv 11 news. 6:55 and 38 degrees. here's a look at our next hour. >> in our medical alert, diabetes nutrition guide. at 7:17, what to look forward reading food labels. >> tis the season for holiday guests and possibly your holiday meltdown. >> we are here to rescue you at 7:44.
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plus veterans take center stage in a new novel. we'll talk with the author of heaven should fall at 7:43. plus news and sports when 11 news sunday continues. stay with us.
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>> welcome to 11 news sunday
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morning. i'm lisa robinson. >> i'm jennifer franciotti. first at check outside with tony. great day for a ravens game. >> outstanding. temperatures will be in the upper 60s. good stuff. you want to take a light jacket to start the day today. little chilly right now. we just had sun rise. go outside, check it out. 37 at the airport. there's a little bit of fog in some neighborhoods. the forecast for this veterans day 2012 about as nice as it gets for the middle of november. high temperature near 68. we come back we'll take a look at the seven day forecast going into next weekend. our big story, the cleanup carries on in the areas hardest hit by super storm sandy. 130,000 homes and businesses still without power down from a peak of 1 million but there is growing frustration about the pace of power restoration. hundreds of residents protested saturday outside of the
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headquarters of the long island power authority to voice their anger. officials are promising electricity will be back on in 99% of those homes by tuesday. in new jersey, more than 175,000 homes are still without power. and the nor'easter. >> these maryland state troopers are used to answering the call for help, but this time they're headed 120 miles north to ocean county new jersey to help their law enforcement brethren there try to repair a shore in shambles. >> i think seeing the destruction on tv kind of helped prepare a little bit, but until you see it in real life, that's something that's gonna hit hard. >> calls for service are up. the police officers have also been affected where they've lost their homes. we're up there supplementing the
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new jersey state police. >> the troopers will be sworn in just for the next week, they'll have police powers and assist with anything from extra patr patrolling to helping utility companies turn the power back on. >> food and toiletries and diapers. >> it's another example, since sandy hit, of maryland pitching in to help its northern neighbors. these good samaritans from howard county are hoping to hit the road monday. >> see the pictures on the news of people that just lost everything. and so i'm just sort of one of those, we got to do something. >> it's the same sentiment that inspired 14 maryland state troopers that have already been in new jersey this past week to stay there and assist this convoy of 11 headed there now. >> it's touched them to where they really wanted to stay and help out the police departments and the people who have lost a lot and have been devastated over the storm. >> we're told maryland state
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police will be reimbursed for the troopers' time. but of course money was not the motivation here. we're also told all 25 of the troopers helping out there now quickly volunteered for this assignment. wbal tv 11 news. >> we've been having nice weather in maryland over the last few days and it will soon start to get colder though as we head into winter. that's why baltimore city officials hosted an energy assistance expo at baltimore city community college. representatives from bge and the office of home energy programs helped citizens apply for financial assistance. all to help manage their energy and utility bills. >> what most people don't know about and i think that's what this program is about today, is that they can get assistance. don't wait until your utility is cut off. that you can go down and sit down with the utility company and say look, i'm having a problem. >> officials say fewer people showed up this year. they're saying that's a good thing. they believe it means more people are learning how to
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manage their income better and don't need the assistance. this is veterans day. the maryland health care system teamed up with a local veterans organization to hold a memorial service. it was held saturday afternoon at the american legion post 22 in towsend. it honored all veterans who passed away at the maryland health care system in the last year. >> this is a ceremony that will remember those veterans that have passed away. again, trying to remember those who have given their time, their service, for our country. they might not have been the ones that have died in action. that's what we're reserving memorial day for. this is a service trying to remember veterans who have served and have now entered our ever lasting life. >> there are a number of veterans day events planned today all across the state. this morning we're getting more information about what led to the sudden rez iing anywaying of the leader of the country's
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intelligence agency. on friday, four star general david petraeus left his post as the director of the cia after publicly admitting to an extra marital affair. dan chenmen has more. >> general david petraeus stellar military and government career came to an abrupt end friday. his resignation letter, including a public acknowledgement of extra marital relations. that affair following an investigation into e-mails from petraeus to another woman, who went to the fbi with complaint of harassment. officials say the fbi traced the e-mail to questions to broadwell and only stumbled upon correspondence between the two. >> so far we're sen tifsh. my guess is decision was made near or at the top level of the fbi to sit down with general petraeus and have a discussion with him and let him know that this information had been discovered. >> law enforcement and multiple u.s. officials tell nbc news
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that e-mails between petraeus and broadwell were indicative of an extra marital relationship. nbc news tried but was unable to reach paula broadwell for comment. according to multiple sources the intelligence community learned of the investigation election day. president obama didn't know of it until thursday. meeting with petraeus, who offered to resign that day. obama accepted the resignation friday. some disagree with that decision. >> there's no criminal conduct involved. it's matter between him and his family. it's not conduct we encourage. it's not the best conduct. we're talking about man of great talent. >> law enforcement sources tell nbc news that general petraeus is not under investigation and they don't expect their inquiry will result in criminal charges. dan chenman, nbc news. 7:04 and 38 degrees.
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in our medical alert, we are talking about food labels and how it can be an essential tool for diabetics to make healthy food choices. that's a live picture of sky cam. tony's up next with your forecast.
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>> welcome back. time 8 after 7:00. beautiful shot there on the tower cam. lot of color on the horizon opinion 37 degrees. 48 downtown. little chilly to start the day today. it's gonna warm up fast. if you picked this day to go to the ravens game, you picked a good one. mid 60s at that time. light south wind at 7 miles per hour. great day for football. again, a little chilly, but this afternoon you won't even need a jacket if you're going to be in the stadium. with the high pressure east of us that means our service will
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return to the south. we get mild conditions. ten degrees above average today. average high 58. we'll make it up to 68. a strong cold front will be inching its way over toward us over the next few days. look how temperatures drop off. 61 in chicago now. then temperatures drop into single digits across the northern plains. where the two air mass bump together you get snow. that's the stuff that will be heading towards us. we expect rain monday and tuesday, but no snow. it is gonna cool off. we'll be in the 60s for the next couple days then drop into the 50s. skies are clear. there's patchy fog in some neighborhoods. that should burn off quickly. a light jacket is necessary to start the day today. 37 at the airport. 36, 39. the forecast for today. mostly sunny skies. going to be a beautiful afternoon.
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high temperatures will range from 65 to 70. sun set at 4:55. going through the rest of the week. looks like a pretty good chance of rain monday night and tuesday as the front goes by. then it will cool off. not cold, but cooler certainly, with highs in the 50s through the beginning of next weekend. our nation's 44th president was elected for a second term. the spotlight this week turns to the 14th president. at the movies at least. here's kevin tibbles with more. >> he may have started out the poor self-educated son of homesteaders, but for the thousands of school children who visit the museum honoring his presidency every week, abraham lincoln remains a beacon whose convictions shape the nation. >> he did a lot from our country. we can learn from the past to help improve our future.
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>> at 6' 4" abraham lincoln was a tall man of even greater historic stature. >> he did a lot especially for my culture. his ideas helped really run our country. >> presidents may not have been considered cool in the 1860s, but this one is about to become a hollywood star. >> i like our chances now. >> a senry and a half after his death, lincoln is portrayed by daniel day lewis. >> now, now, now! >> it's been a decade long labor of love for director steven spiel berg. >> he advocated things we hold dear today. he advocated that government can be a positive force for the good of all people. >> no coincidence, perhaps, the film opens the week america's 21st century president won re-election.
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in difficult times with partisan bickering. times which many ask, what would lincoln do? >> in lincoln you had a president that was eager to unify the country, dealing with a congress that had all sorts of factions. somehow lincoln had the genius to get everyone to work together. >> the united states may have come a long way from four score and seven years ago, but lincoln is still teaching its children. >> i think abraham lincoln is good because he was a big part of freedom and what h country is today. >> he didn't like slavery. >> i like his top hat. >> big man, yes, with a big hat, who still casts a long shadow over the nation he fought so hard to unite. kevin tibbles, nbc news, spring field, illinois. >> another movie coming out has 1500 fans setting up camp outside staples center in los angeles. they are waiting on the last and
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latest premiere of the twilight movies. it doesn't open until november 16th but these fans registered online to spend a weekend at a temporary tent city. fans from england, spain, bonding with their fellow american fans wait fog tr chance to see the stars walk the red carpet. stars of the movie are set to visit that fan camp sometime today. wow. >> i know. preparing your house for guests can sometimes dampen your holiday spirit. >> before you morph into the grinch we've got some fixes to get your home in shape. plus a compelling novelty about tragedy. we'll talk to the author of this book straying ahead. coming up on 11 tv hill we'll talk to the president about how they're making a different fren in the lives of people with special needs. also we'll talk to johns hopkins about a new invention that will
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help surgeons close incisions. and jennifer franciotti gets an exclusive interview with
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>> in this morning's medical alert patients with diabetes have to keep an eye on their blood sugar. the hottest new health care tool may already be in your pocket. you need a smart device and an app. it plugs into the head phone jack. it keeps track and charts all of your results. you can e-mail all of the results to your doctor or family members. >> the greatest advantage is to help people gather and be able to analyze the information in a way that helps them look for trends and determine how their
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diabetes is being managed. >> right mou it only works for the i phone. it's pending fda approval in the u.s. reading food labels can help you make better decisions about the food you eat and how you manage your diabetes. nice to see you. >> good to see you. >> we're happy to have you here. explain this. >> november's diabetes awareness month. we thought it would be a good time for education. whether you have diabetes, if you know somebody with diabetes. i get issed questions a lot of time. what should i eat? how much should i eat? i think the first thing to recognize is what foods in the diet contribute carbohydrates. what you have to worry about is blood sugar fluctuations. too high, too low. this basket i have the types of foods that will have carbohydrates. some will be better than others. things like dairy, milk and yogurt, whole grain.
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i have in here oats and lentils and beans. >> these are things they want to have? >> these are things that are carbohydrates. even starchy vegetables like peas, potatoes, and fruit. here i have a big pack of sugar. obviously that's something to minimize to keep to a low and cookies. these types of processed sugars are the things to get rid of. as the complex carbohydrates like starchy vegetables and fruits and whole grains, those are the things that you want to have, but in moderation. the whole idea of a diabetic diet is carbohydrate control. so spreading those carbs throughout the day. the next thing to consider is how much carbohydrates should i be having to control my blood sugar? i'm not sure everyone can see, but i have what one serving of carbohydrates would look like. this is one slice of bread. it has approximately 15 grams of
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carbohydrates. you can also look at it in terms of a fruit. a medium banana is going to have 20 grams of carbohydrates. >> okay. >> eight ounces of milk is also going to be about 15 grams of carbohydrates. >> how much do you want to have throughout the day? >> great question. for meals keep it anywhere between 30 and 670 grams. if you're having three meals a day you can have between 30 and 60 grams. but for snacks keep it to about 15 to 30. and again, that's gonna differ based on the person's activity level, the person's size, the person's age, etc. >> right. >> the next thing i wanted to discuss really quickly was the food label. so when you are shopping for foods, you want to make sure you are paying attention to labels. the first place you want to look at is the total serving size. you look up top and say the serving size. whatever it is, like on this cereal here it's one cup. the second place i look as a
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diabetic is total carbohydrates. so in this example here, it's 31 grams. that's gonna be really important. like i said, you want to have about 30 to 60 per meal. so if you're having 30 in just this one food, you've got to be aware, okay, where are my carbohydrates coming from? are they coming from milk in my cereal, fruit in my cereal? you want to really get good portion control. >> all right. i think that this is probably, everybody should sit down and talk to a dietitian about what they should do. >> for sure. it's very individualized. there's a lot to learn. >> this is also good to remember for everybody in terms of portion control and keeping the energy up for everybody. >> right. exactly. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> don't go away. getting your house clean and organized for the holidays. but first events going on around
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town. beep-bop-boop-bop boop-beep. [monotone] she says, "switch to progressive and you could save hundreds." call or click today.
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>>welcome back. a corvette invasion in baltimore saturday. a spectacular site for a great cause. the cars lined up and drove together where they received a police escort to the food center. participants donated food for the thanks giving day event.
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>> people think thanks giving dinner because they know we have thousands of people expecting us to help them out on thanks giving day. >> hopefully this will help othe others. we're less than two weeks away from thavensgiving. we're asking people to come out to this point. >> you can send dough anywayings to new orleans charles street in south baltimore. yesterday the new balloon for the macy's day parade were flown outside for a test run. this thereby debut for elf on the shelf, hello kitty and papa smur f. the balloons are in new jersey right now but they will be in new york city for the big day. they're expected to be flown inside buzz light year, kermit the frog for more than two miles on thanksgiving. if you have family coming over for the holidays your thoughts
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may be about stressing out over getting it spike and span. alissa allen is here. you have great tips on how to keep a house clean. >> good morning. i always worry about cleaning around there. but soot is a huge problem. >> people usually will just blow out the candle. when that happens, you take a candle sniffer and do that. right there. takes care of it. if you get soot on the wall, the best way for removing that, vacuum with a round brush, attachment. it will remove the soot. and then dampen a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol and go over the area lightly. >> that's nice to know.
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very cool. the kitchen. >> big offender this time of year. how can we keep our cabinets clean? >> with company coming in, preparing for holiday meals you want to get your kitchen organized and clean. let's start with the refrigerator. we're going to clean the inside of the refrigerator with mr. clean. take everything out. wipe everything down. then you want to organize it, keeping in mind, preparing for your meals, leftovers, children being home, reaching into the refrigerator. you want to keep everything organized. >> nothing says uncleanliness like that everywhere. your counters. keeping those clean. >> the counters, you can clean them. if you have granite i recommend this product right here. it's fabulous. gives a nice shine. feels like glass after they're clean. >> you said this is the number one products. everything is so much easier
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when you have the right product to do the right job. tell me about this. i'm all excited. >> the bathroom cleaner is great on tiles, on glass shower doors. it removes soap scum. >> it makes your job easier. >> it does. it disinfects, kills mold that could be growing. a grout cleaner which you can buy. >> like a tough sponge. it's very very good. lot of folks are bringing out the silver right now. you're breaking out your good stuff. it's tarnished. and it takes so long to clean. what products have you found that works. >> this bright silver polish is really good. you want to make sure you have a lot of rags. the longer time it's been since you polished. it's going to be a great amount of tarnish. so you just open it. there's a sponge and ap mri
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cater. rub it. and just shine it. get all the tarnish off. >> you recommend starting now so you're not stressed out the day before thanksgiving. >> in the kitchen, the cabinets, we want to wipe out all the cabinets. get those organized. may have company for the holidays spending the night. have coffee, cereal, things that they would be looking for easily available. >> if we don't want to do it, just call you. >> call valley girls dirt stoppers. we will come out. we are a member of the nationals a sew yags of professional organizers. we'd love to come out and give you a hand. >> thank you very much. 7:28. we have much more news coming up next.
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>> welcome back. thank for joining us. >> let's take a look outside. it's going to be a lovely day. >> temperature's going to make it into the 60s which is way above average. it's still chilly. take a light jacket with you to start. you may not need it this afternoon. only 37 at the airport. lots of sunshine. patchy fog in some neighborhoods. forecast for this veterans day 2012. good one. mostly sunny with a high
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temperature of 68 degrees this afternoon. we come back in just a few minutes. we'll take the seven day forecast all the way into next weekend. time for a look at what's coming up on "meet the press." david gregory joins us with a preview. good morning, david. >> hey, lisa, good morning. >> it's been quite a week. do you think this is going to force the republicans to work with him, to be more inclusive and to try to stop with the partisan politics. >> well, you heard the president at the white house on friday saying that majority of americans agreed with his view particularly on taxes. the big issue is trying to avert the fiscal cliff, a negotiation over taxes all part of deficit reduction. president will drive a hard bargain. i think there is room for compromise but i don't think it will be easy. both sides will approach this understanding the election
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mandate was for some level of compromise. it will still be a question given the status quo nature of this election where those break throughs come from. i think trying to interpret what the mandate is, something that's always tricky. >> with this re-election we'll see some cabinet changes. first one cabinet change that happened, it wasn't something for us. resigned amid this extra marital affair. what kind of effect do you think that will have on our relations in the middle east and other military issues. >> there's people who can succeed general petraeus. i think shock waves are being felt in washington. there are questions about just what led up to the affair being discovered. there was an fbi investigation. we'll talk about that this morning. >> any cabinet changes you can foresee that you want to talk about? >> the obvious ones are
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secretary of state. that hillary clinton will leave at some point. new white house staff at some levels as well. lot of turnover with any second term. >> thank you very much, david. >> okay. >> don't forget, you can watch "meet the press" later this morning following 11 news at 9. a programming note. if you have a question for the congressman send it in. e e-mail your questions to sunday questions at wbal still ahead, the humane society hooking up with pets looking for a new home. and going to be a beautiful day today. we do have rain in the seven day forecast. i'll show you that ri
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>> welcome back. good morning everyone. beautiful sun rise. 7:36. 37 degrees past the hour. it's going to be a chilly start. we're going to make it to the 60s. if you picked a good day to go to the ravens game. by that time it will already be in the mid 60s downtown. again, maybe a light jacket. maybe not if you're in the sun, you might not need it. high pressure on the east coast. that's always good news. winds coming out of the south and southwest ahead of that meaning good temperatures for us. ten degrees above average today. there's a strong cold front moving east. temperatures ahead of it. 60s and 7 os already at this
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early hour. if you drop behind the front, single digits. where the two air masses bump into each other, you get thunderstorms and snow. snow on the back side of the colder temperatures. that rain is going to visit us here. monday night, tuesday with that front. we will see a tran significant in the temperatures for sure. in the short term, skies are clear. there's patchy fog, but that should burn off quickly. no big deal. going to be a nice day today. rising sun. 37 mount arie. 32 frederick. forecast for today, mostly sunny skies. high temperatures will range between 65 and 70 degrees. sun set this evening at 4:55. seven day forecast, the front's gonna come through here monday night and tuesday. pretty good chance for rain. should be dry during the day monday with a high near 67.
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once the front goes by, temperatures will stay in the 50s. unusual for the middle part of november through the middle part of next weekend. >> wiel the va has a number of programs to help veterans a veteran of another war believes he's found an answer in a war horse. he shares his incredible story. >> in the dawn with a new day comes the memories. >> war. war is pretty nasty stuff. >> dealing daily with the realities of combat, a 19-year-old soldier who grew up breaking horses in the end had the same thing done to him by war. >> was i broken? i was broken. broke ton the point of total
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hopelessness. >> as he dealt with ending his life, maybe it was fate that brought to his life a horse named rain. >> that horse, i wouldn't be here without that horse. >> john found what vietnam had taken from him. a reason to live. >> she made me realize there was hope. >> from a broken horse, a broken warrior. each of the last four years john nash shared with others what he learned from rain. >> nice and easy. calm. calm but confident. i feel like without this program, i wouldn't be here today. >> just like john nash, patrick lee had run out of reasons to live until the veterans of two tours of duty in the middle east found peace in a horse. >> i feel like it's been spiritual for me. like the holy spirit to the horse. able to, first time suck all the ptsb out of me. it's like, i'm alive.
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>> john nash and a horse are putting the broken lives of veterans back together again. >> i would do this until i take my last breath. >> each touched by a gentling spirit of a horse named rain. >> family dealing with ptsd. that is the subject of this dark and koppeling author. she's here to join us now. called heaven should fall. good morning. thank you for coming in. >> thanks for having me. >> you were inspired by a friend that was going through a serious situation. >> staff sar general in the army. she and her husband served in iraq. she told me her story of how much it helped the family. i felt moved to write a novel about how it can affect the entire family. >> this is fiction. set the stage. what's the book about?
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>> it's about a young woman in college. she has a boyfriend who is very ambitious, wants to be in congress one day. they go to his family farm. she's going to have a baby. his brother came back from afghanistan. the family doesn't realize that right away. as they learn about it and realize what's going on, they try to help him. that's a common problem for families. the soldier is resistant. the family doesn't know what to do. from there everything hits the fan. they try to deal with it. in some ways it's too late. >> this affects everyone in a family. not just the soldier. and how they can help resolve this. >> not only the soldier which is very important but everybody who loves the soldier. something that's can get left out of the dialogue about it that you're dealing with something that affects the entire family. >> this came out in october. it >>'s dealing with. i wanted to reach the audience that will really appreciate it.
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it's why i am here today. i think families affected by this will be interested in this. >> i would like to know how you had time to write. you are a mother of four. you're very busy. you say you do a lot of late night writing. >> i do. i write between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. a lot of the time. i don't sleep all that much, but i'm working on that. it's important for your health to sleep. >> you don't go through post traumatic stress disorder. >> this is your second novel. >> kingdom of childhood did pretty well. i'm looking to forge forward with that career. >> where can people find your book? >> they can find it at barnes and noble. or your local bookstore which is always best. on amazon and online sites. >> how did your friend react to the book? >> she really enjoyed it. this is what really touched me. she said details were authentic and portrayal of the soldier in the book was authentic.
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as far as i was concerned, if i got the soldier right, i got the book right. i was thrilled by that. >> what a great compliment. this is probably a must read for all of those families. >> thank you. so nice to meet you. >> you, too. >> the name of the book heaven should fall. stay with us fp humane society joins us next. but first here's a look at last night's winning lottery numbers.
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>> posing for the camera there. got to love that.
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>> happy game day to you. our 11 insta weather plus forecast is fabulous for today. we'll enjoy a game indeed at m&t stadium. they're 6-2 on the year. looking good to get to 7-2. playing at home. just a much better team. they scored 32 points at home, only 17 when not playing at m&t. they won 14 straight games at home. oakland's running game is decimated but they do have a quarterback with a previous history of playing in the stadium, one carson palmer. >> he's one of those underrated quarterbacks that can make every throw. especially if he gets in a
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groove. you saw it in cincinnati. i remember vividly, you know, games i thought we had won and carson palmer got in his groove. he torched us. >> most notably in 2005 carson palmer with a big come back in the second half against the ravens. he is now since 2012 with the raiders a team that's not terribly good. this one it does set up very well for the ravens before next week they head to pittsburgh for an afc showdown. jerry sandusky will have all the highlights. we'll see you then. >> we're just minutes away from the today show. erika hill joining us with a preview of what's coming up. >> good morning, jennifer. coming up the latest on a stunning regulation of the cia director david petraeus. this morning you'll hear from his former spokesman who talked
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to the general after the probe. we'll ask the experts why so many powerful men cheat. also ahead nearly three weeks after hurricane sandy hit the east coast, many are still without power. we are seeing so many come out to help, lend a helping hand. a busy holiday season approaches, we will tell you the best dates to fly if you're headed out of town. with the last twilight movie opening in days we'll look at the phenomenon and what it is about the franchise that sends hearts of all ages aflutter. that's when we get started on sunday morning. now it's time for sunday brunch. here's lisa. >> all right. joining me this morning is jay koulter. thanks so much for being here. you guys are new. >> where are you locateed? >> 1,000 lancaster street. >> you have another restaurant down the street in washington, d.c. right?
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>> we've got one in dc and another one opening next year and one in annapolis. >> what are you makeing? >> today we're making english breakfast salad. >> never heard of it. >> i have got my romain ebay by greens right here. i'm going to add my ranch dressing. >> maybe i'll make this for dinner. >> it's really good. you'll like it. >> do you want to start the egg? >> yeah. >> add my bacon. >> the key is to have everything all cut up. >> lined up. it makes it quick. some cheese. crumbles. >> this a popular salad. >> it's brand new on the new menu that we have. we have some fried potato strings.
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home made. everything is made from scratch here. >> okay. >> done something interesting with your tomatoes over there. >> those are roasted tomatoes. >> what do you do to roast them in. >> add salt and pepper and roast them skin side down in the oven. >> that sounds easy. >> it's very easy. >> you're finishing that up. if people want to talk about today's recipe log on to wbal or send us a self-addressed envelope to sunday brunch. or go to our website. click on recipes. and an egg. >> just about ready. >> that looks good. >> i drifted over here just for it. >> there we go. >> nice.
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>> there it is. >> what are you making in the 9:00 hour? >> chicken pasta. >> all right. one more look at the seven day forecast. going to be a beautiful day today. temperatures will make it up to 68. ten degrees above average. it will still be warm tomorrow. then chance for some rain. that will knock temperatures back into the 50s by the middle of their game. go outside and play today if you can. that's about as nice as it gets. good day for football this afternoon. >> where did the egg come from? >> cool for company. we all have the same menu. >> everybody does. >> west coast, east. >> started on the west coast. >> we've got a lot of california infused items. >> i will talk about it.
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>> okay. >> that's all the time we have for now. thank you very much. >> have a great day everybody. >> today show is next.
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